Howard Stern Complaints to be Dealt With Under CAB’S Code of Ethics

Ottawa, September 4, 1997 -- “Today’s statement by B.Q. Leader Gilles Duceppe to the effect that the Bloc will be bringing pressure on the Government to create a code of ethics for Canada’s private broadcasters is totally unnecessary,” stated Ron Cohen, National Chair of the Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC). “The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council is already dealing with the numerous complaints it has received, primarily from Quebecers, dealing with the Howard Stern show.”

Mr. Cohen’s letter advised Mr. Duceppe that such a code already exists and is vigorously applied by the CBSC in the area of human rights. He also pointed out that the CBSC has already rendered a substantial number of decisions dealing with human rights pursuant to that very Code of Ethics and that the Quebec Regional Council will deal with this issue with the same energy and determination which the CBSC has brought to its previous decisions.

The CBSC is the self-regulatory body created in 1990 by private broadcasters to respond to complaints and administer industry standards on ethics, journalistic practices, gender portrayal and television violence. The Council received the formal endorsement of the CRTC in 1991. Nearly 400 radio and television stations from across Canada are members of the Council.

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