AGVOT Reveals On-Screen Icons For Television Rating System

Ottawa, August 28, 1997 - The Action Group on Violence on Television (AGVOT) today unveiled the graphic icons which English-language broadcasters will use to identify the rating of their programs, thus helping parents make informed viewing choices for their families. The ratings system consists of guidelines which deal with the categories of violence, language and sexual content and the system should be in use by the week of September 29th.

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council is pleased that the proposed system is clean and simple. CBSC National Chair stated that “The Canadian method of dealing with violence on television remains as, if not more, effective than any in the world since it reflects the combination of understandable on-screen ratings, viewer advisories and the CAB Violence Code. On-screen icons, the shorthand and viewer-friendly notices of program suitability, remain supplemented by a structure of advisories which explain the nature of the content and the CAB Violence Code itself. Both additional television watching tools remain in full force and effect to ensure a full measure of protection for Canadian children.”

AGVOT’s press release of May 5, 1997 announcing its proposed ratings system can be found in the Archives section of the CBSC website. AGVOT’s full submission to the CRTC is also available on the CBSC website. The approval of that system was announced by the CRTC’s Media Release of June 18. The full text of the Commission’s decision, Classification System for Violence in Television Programming, Public Notice CRTC 199780, is also accessible by clicking here.