CISS-FM concernant le concours Big Bag of Cash

Décision CCNR 15/16-1152
2016 CCNR 9
21 décembre 2016
A. Noël (présidente), P. Gratton, R. Hutson, H. Mack, G. Spenrath, C. Scott


La station radiophonique CISS-FM (KiSS FM, Ottawa) a diffusé un concours intitulé «Big Bag of Cash » du 29 février au 22 avril 2016. Trois fois par jour du lundi au jeudi, les auditeurs devaient se tenir à l’affût d’un indice signalant le moment de texter. Au signal, ils envoyaient un message renfermant le mot «cash » au numéro du concours de la station. À la fin de chaque ronde, un concurrent était choisi apparemment au hasard parmi les textos reçus.

La station rejoignait le concurrent au téléphone pour qu’il participe au jeu en ondes. Le concurrent devait choisir un sac virtuel dont le contenu était ensuite dévoilé. Il pouvait garder la somme contenue dans ce sac ou bien ouvrir un autre sac en espérant qu’il contienne davantage d’argent, au risque qu’il ne contienne rien du tout, auquel cas une sonnerie se faisait entendre.

Le 21 mars 2016, à un moment donné entre 17 h 00 et 17 h 20, le feu vert a été donné. Quelques minutes plus tard, une participante du nom de Carly jouait en ondes avec l’hôtesse Amy Volume. La conversation s’est amorcée ainsi :


Amy :     Hem, okay, j’ai bien aimé votre façon de texter à l’émission, avec plein d’émoticônes partout [rire de Carly]. Et, euh, savez-vous, pendant qu’on passait à travers les milliers de participations, la vôtre a attiré mon attention et je me suis dit «o.k. j’y vais avec celle-ci ».

Carly :                    C’est exactement ça que j’espérais. Exactement ça que j’espérais.

Amy:      [en riant] Je ne dis pas que ça marche comme ça avec tous les DJ. [rire de Carly], mais c’est comme si je m’étais dit «oui, c’est ça, allons-y ».

Carly a joué le jeu en ondes de la façon décrite ci-dessus. Sur le sac virtuel numéro 7, la sonnerie s’est fait entendre pour indiquer que Carly ne remportait pas un sou. (Une transcription complète de ce segment du concours figure dans l’annexe A, en anglais seulement.)

Un auditeur s’est plaint auprès du CCNR le 4 avril. Il prétendait que KiSS FM avait violé l’article 12 du Code de déontologie de l’ACR parce que, selon les règles du concours affichées sur le site web de la station, les participants étaient censés être choisis au hasard. Dans ce cas-ci, Amy Volume avait affirmé en ondes avoir choisi le texto de Carly parce que les émoticônes lui plaisaient.

La station a répondu au plaignant le 5 mai. La lettre expliquait qu’une enquête avait démontré que la concurrente avait bel et bien été choisie au hasard parmi les textos admissibles, comme le voulaient les règles du concours affichées en ligne. Les commentaires en ondes de Mme Volume avaient pour unique but d’introduire [traduction] «une note divertissante » de manière à «établir rapidement un rapport avec la concurrente ». D’après KiSS FM, «elle n’a jamais eu l’intention de donner une fausse information aux auditeurs ou de créer l’impression que le concours n’était pas mené de façon juste et légitime, ou que la station n’avait pas suivi le règlement officiel ». Le radiodiffuseur a insisté sur le fait que Mme Volume ne pouvait avoir vu les émoticônes qu’une fois le choix fait parmi les participations. Il a reconnu que les commentaires de l’animatrice pouvaient avoir donné la fausse impression que les règles n’étaient pas respectées et a déclaré avoir revu la situation avec le personnel de la station pour s’assurer que les règles du concours soient toujours suivies, autant en apparence que dans les faits. »

Le plaignant a déposé sa demande de décision le 18 mai. Il appréciait le fait que KiSS FM ait reconnu son erreur et que les animateurs aient été rappelés à l’ordre quant à la marche à suivre du concours. Il n’en déplorait pas moins que la station n’ait pas présenté de preuve que la participation de Carly avait été réellement choisie au hasard, puisque les commentaires de Mme Volume suggéraient le contraire. Il a mis en doute d’autres concours organisés par KiSS FM et suggéré des moyens permettant à la station de faire clairement la preuve que la sélection était due au hasard. (La correspondance complète ainsi que les règles du concours affichées sur le site web de KiSS FM figurent dans l’annexe B, en anglais seulement.)


Le comité décideur anglophone a étudié la plainte à la lumière de l’article 12 (Concours et promotions) du Code de déontologie de l’Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs (ACR) qui s’énonce comme suit :

La conception et l’exécution de tous les concours et promotions qui passent à l’antenne d’une station doivent se faire de façon équitable et légitime. Il faut plus particulièrement prendre soin qu’ils ne soient pas trompeurs et qu’ils ne risquent pas d’être dangereux ou de déranger ou perturber le public. Les prix offerts ou les promesses faites doivent être tels qu’ils sont représentés.

Les membres décideurs du comité ont lu toute la correspondance afférente et ont écouté un enregistrement de la diffusion controversée. Le comité conclut que CISS-FM a enfreint l’article 12.

Déroulement du concours et de la présentation en ondes

Les membres du comité décideur conviennent que, d’un point de vue interne, avec les explications fournies par le radiodiffuseur en réponse au plaignant, il paraît improbable que le concours en question ait été «biaisé » en faveur d’un texto en particulier à cause des émoticônes qu’il renfermait. Le radiodiffuseur a fait remarquer que les émoticônes ne pouvaient avoir été vues de l’animatrice qu’une fois le texto choisi au hasard sur la liste numérotée préparée par le personnel de la station. Le délai qui s’est écoulé entre le signal donné par la station pour texter les messages et l’annonce en ondes de la concurrente sélectionnée (moins de 7 minutes) donne à penser que l’animatrice a été incapable de lire tous les messages reçus avant de choisir celui qui renfermait des émoticônes. En fin de compte cependant, le CCNR n’a aucune façon de vérifier ce qui s’est passé à la station pour sélectionner un concurrent; son évaluation se fonde nécessairement sur la portion en ondes du concours.

Les membres du comité décideur sont néanmoins d’avis que l’article 12 du Code de déontologie de l’ACR exige non seulement que les concours de fassent de façon équitable et légitime, mais encore qu’ils ne soient pas trompeurs[1]. Dans le cas présent, l’animatrice a bel et bien déclaré en ondes que les émoticônes avaient attiré son attention et l’avaient incitée à choisir ce message en particulier. En disant cela, elle a créé la fausse impression, du moins pour certains auditeurs, que cette fois les règles du concours n’avaient pas été suivies.

Les membres du comité décideur en concluent que les commentaires non justifiés de l’animatrice ont transmis de fausses informations sur le concours en laissant entendre aux auditeurs qu’ils pouvaient déjouer le système avec des artifices comme des émoticônes capables d’attirer l’œil du personnel de la station et que le message texte n’avait pas été choisi au hasard. Ils en concluent que le radiodiffuseur a enfreint l’article 12 à cause de ces commentaires livrés en ondes.

Réceptivité du radiodiffuseur

Dans toutes les décisions rendues par le CCNR, ses comités évaluent dans quelle mesure le radiodiffuseur s’est montré réceptif envers le plaignant. Bien que le radiodiffuseur ne soit certes pas obligé de partager l’opinion du plaignant, sa réponse doit être courtoise, réfléchie et complète. Dans la présente affaire, KiSS FM a fourni une longue réponse au plaignant pour expliquer la marche à suivre du concours et sa propre enquête sur l’incident. Bien que la réponse n’ait pas réussi à satisfaire le plaignant qui voulait avoir une preuve plus concrète de ce qui s’était passé le 21 mars, elle satisfait à l’exigence du CCNR de répondre au plaignant. Ce radiodiffuseur ayant rempli son obligation de se montrer réceptif, il n’y a pas lieu d’en exiger davantage de sa part, sauf pour l’annonce de cette décision.

Annonce de la décision

CISS-FM est tenu : 1) de faire connaître la présente décision selon les conditions suivantes : une fois pendant les heures de grande écoute, dans un délai de trois jours suivant sa publication, et une autre fois dans un délai de sept jours suivant sa publication, dans le même créneau horaire que ce segment du concours «Big Bag of Cash », mais pas le même jour que la première annonce; 2) de faire parvenir au plaignant qui a présenté la demande de décision, dans les quatorze jours suivant la diffusion des deux annonces, une confirmation écrite de son exécution; et 3) au même moment, de faire parvenir au CCNR copie de cette confirmation accompagnée du fichier-témoin attestant la diffusion des deux annonces, qui seront formulées comme suit :

Le Conseil canadien des normes de la radiotélevision a jugé que KiSS FM avait enfreint la disposition concernant les concours du Code de déontologie de l’Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs le 21 mars 2016. Une animatrice a donné l’impression qu’un des participants au concours n’avait pas été choisi au hasard. Le concours en a été rendu trompeur, enfreignant ainsi l’article 12 du Code de déontologie.

La présente décision devient un document public dès sa publication par le Conseil canadien des normes de la radiotélévision.

[1] CFOX-FM concernant Larry & Willy Show (concours – Bryan Adams) (Décision CCNR 97/98-0534, 20 mai, 1998); CKIX-FM concernant le concours du 9 caché (Décision CCNR 08/09-0227 et -0229, 12 janvier 2009)

Appendix A

Radio station CISS-FM (KiSS FM, Ottawa) held a contest entitled “Big Bag of Cash” from February 29 to April 22, 2016. Three times a day Monday to Thursday, listeners had to listen for a “cue to text”.  Once they heard the cue, listeners were to send a text message containing the word “cash” to the station’s contest number.  A potential finalist for each round was then supposedly selected randomly from all of the eligible text entries.

Station staff then telephoned the potential finalist who then participated in the contest on air. The contestant had to choose a virtual bag and it would be revealed how much money was in it.  The contestant could then choose to keep the cash from that bag or choose to open the next bag, knowing that the next bag contained either a larger amount of money or nothing, the latter being indicated by a buzzer indicating sound.

On March 21, 2016, sometime between 5:00 and 5:20 pm, there was a cue to text.

female voice:      The KiSS Big Bag of Cash.  [song clip]

male voice:          You can win up to ten thousand dollars.

female voice:      Text the word “cash” to 31053 for your chance to play from KiSS 105.3.

A few minutes later, a contestant named Carly played the game. The following is the conversation that occurred between Carly and host Amy Volume:

male voice:          It’s time to play the KiSS Big Bag of Cash contest, brought to you by

female voice:      It’s your chance to win up to ten thousand dollars in free cash.

Amy Volume:      Did you hear that, Carly?  It’s your chance to win up to ten thousand dollars.

Carly:                     I know, Amy.

Volume:                Umm, okay, so I really liked when you texted in just now to the show ʼcause you put a bunch of emoticons on it [Carly laughs].  And, uh, you know, while we are searching the thousands of entries, yours just caught my eye and I was, like, “okay, I’m going to go for it”.

Carly:                     Well, that’s what I was hoping.  That’s what I was hoping.

Volume:                [laughs]  Now, I’m not saying that that works for every DJ every time we play, [Carly laughs] but I was just, like, “yeah, okay, all right, let’s go”.

Carly:                     Right on.

Volume:                So, um, do you know how the game is played, Carly?

Carly:                     I do.

Volume:                What do you, what do th-, do you have, like, a magic number that you might –

Carly:                     Well –

Volume:                – be satisfied with?

Carly:                     I, I would’ve probably went, kept going and kept going, but this morning’s ten thousand is throwing me off.

Volume:                Right?  Yes.

Carly:                     Yeah.

Volume:                So for those of you who might not know what Carly or I are talking about, this morning with the Carter & Sandra show, they had, um, a player and I think she quit at, like, seven-fifty or something.

Carly:                     Yeah.

Volume:                Which is a decent chunk o’ coin for playing a game on the radio.  Like, to be honest.

Carly:                     Oh yeah.  For sure, for sure.  But then it goes up to ten thousand and you’re, like, oh no!

Volume:                Yep.  Exactly!  That’s exactly what happened.

Carly:                     So now I’m not sure.  I’m just gonna have to see what the bags say.  [Carly & Volume laugh]

Volume:                Uh, do you want to get going with KiSS Bag number one?

Carly:                     Sure.

Volume:                Okay, let’s do it.  KiSS Bag number one.

sound effect + robotic female voice:          One hundred and twenty-nine dollars.

Carly:                     Okay, so we’re going to go to Bag number two.

Volume:                Okay, yeah, I figured as much.  Listen.

sound effect + robotic female voice:          Two hundred and fifty-five dollars.

Carly:                     That’s not bad.

Volume:                Two fifty-five.  Not a bad little jump there, Carly.

Carly:                     Not bad.  I think we’re going to go to Bag number three, though.

Volume:                Okay.  Let it be known that the bags will always have more money in them, but there is a chance that there might be a buzzer.  If there’s a buzzer, the game is over.

Carly:                     Exactly.

Volume:                But you still want to do KiSS Bag number three?

Carly:                     Sure do.

Volume:                Okay.

sound effect + robotic female voice:          Three hundred dollars.

Carly:                     Okay.  Okay.  [Volume chuckles]  I’m, uh, I’m so, I’m going to open Bag number four.

Volume:                Okay, KiSS Bag number four.

sound effect + robotic female voice:          Five hundred dollars.

Carly:                     Five hundred dollars [laughs].

Volume:                Not bad for playing a radio game.

Carly:                     Not bad.  Yeah, not bad for what, like, two minutes?

Volume:                Yeah, exactly.  I mean, you know, you could walk away.

Carly:                     Yeah.

Volume:                Or we could, you know, keep goin’.  Bag number five is there.  It’s lookin’ pretty good.  But, uh, –

Carly:                     Bag number five for more than five hundred maybe [laughs; voices heard in background].

Volume:                Who are you playing with?

Carly:                     My husband, [my niece?  Mischa?] and my son are here.

Volume:                Oh.  Hi, guys!  Hi!  [Carly laughs]  Now, earlier I had a player, uh, this afternoon and, um, they were being coaxed into, like, opening more and more and more.  And eventually, you know, unfortunately, she did open a buzzer.

Carly:                     Yes.

Volume:                And she was just like “Argh!” to her co-workers who were encouraging her, you know?  [Carly laughs]

Carly:                     I think I’d like to open one more.

Volume:                Okay, let’s do KiSS Bag number five.  I feel pretty good about this one too.  Let’s do it.

sound effect + robotic female voice:          Six hundred and fifty dollars.

Carly:                     Okay.  Six hundred and fifty dollars.  [Carly laughs]

Volume:                That’s a really good –

Carly:                     My husband’s like “just go all the way” [laughs].

Volume:                That’s a good jump.  A hundred and fifty in one go.  That’s a good jump.

Carly:                     [still laughing]  I’m going to go to the next one.

Volume:                You want to to Ki —

Carly:                     Even though I’m kind of squirming about it.  [Volume laughs]  Yeah, but go ahead.

Volume:                Me too, me too.  Okay, let’s do it.  KiSS Bag number six.

sound effect + robotic female voice:          Seven hundred dollars.

Carly:                     Okay, seven hundred.  Okay, now we’re just going to take a pause.  [Mischa?], I’m at seven hundred dollars.

[voices in background]

Volume:                Ah, I like what’s happening here.  I like the encouragement in the background there.  What, what are you thinking?  KiSS Bag number seven?

Carly:                     Yeah, we’ll open one more.  One more.  Oh my gosh.

Volume:                Okay.  Let’s do it, let’s do it, let’s do it!

sound effect + buzzer noise + robotic female voice:             We’re sorry.

Volume:                Oh nooo!

Carly:                     No!

Volume:                Aw, what?  [Carly laughs]  Aw.  Husband!  Let’s blame him.

Carly:                     Oh well, that’s okay.  [Carly & Volume laugh]

Volume:                Okay, so, how, how old’s your son?

Carly:                     He’s six.

Volume:                Is he a, like, is he a messy guy to travel around with?  Like, you are –

Carly:                     He [voice in background].

Volume:                [laughs]  He’s saying, I can hear you in the background.  I’m not saying, but I am saying, you know, to soften the blow, you are going to receive a, uh, --

Carly:                     Great.

Volume:                – full car detailing from My Car.  So that might help you out a little bit.

Carly:                     Awesome.  It needs it, for sure.

Volume:                And you know what, Carly?  We had fun playing, uh, Big Bag of Cash, so just stay on the line.  We’re gonna get some more details from you.

Carly:                     Okay.

Volume:                For everybody else, just keep listening, keep hoping.

Carly:                     All right.  Thank you.

male voice:          The KiSS Big Bag of Cash contest plays again tomorrow morning at 8:10 with Carter and Sandra.

female voice:      You’ll have another chance to win up to ten thousand dollars.  Today’s best music, KiSS 105.3.

Appendix B

The Complaint

The CBSC received the following complaint on April 4, 2016:

Station Name: 105.3 KISS FM (Ottawa)

Program Name: BIG BAG of CASH

Date: 2016/03/21

Time: 5:00-5:20 pm

Specific Concern: I believe that Clause 12 was violated on the above date during the above contest at approximately 5:10 pm.

According to the station's rules a random draw takes place to determine who gets to play the "BIG BAG of CASH" on the radio. However, on March 21, 2016 the DJ Amy Volume admitted on the air that she handpicked a texted entry because she liked the [E]-Mojie that was added to the text.  By doing so and saying so on the air, she violated the station's own rules by making the draw non-random.  The rules state to text 1053 and the word "Cash".  Also, unfortunately, this radio station does not do live draws out of a ballot box.  They call the winner on the phone, with no mention of reaching into a ballot box and picking a random winner.  They apparently feel that they do not need to have 2 persons present for a draw and expect the listening audience to accept their method of how a winner is picked to be fair and legitimate.  In my opinion they are leaving themselves open for their integrity to be put into question.

Hopefully by listening to the tape within the 28 day limit you will see that the DJ violated the station's own rules, which are listed on their website. Thank you for taking the time to view this.  Hopefully [unfinished sentence].

Broadcaster Response

The broadcaster responded on May 5:

We have received your complaint regarding a daily announcement related to the Big Bag of Cash contest which was broadcast on KiSS 105.3 (“CISS-FM”) on March 21, 2016 at approximately 5:10 pm ET.

In your complaint, you state that it appears DJ Amy Volume violated Clause 12 of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters (“CAB”) Code of Ethics (“the Code”) during this particular broadcast as she did not draw a contestant at random on air.  You further state that DJ Amy Volume admitted that she chose the contestant based on the “emojis” in their text message.  As well, you state that the station does not appear to draw from a live ballot box; rather, it uses a text messaging system which you do not believe is appropriate.

As you may be aware, the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (“CBSC”) is an independent organization that administers codes and standards proposed by the CAB, and approved by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (“CRTC”). CISS-FM is owned and operated by Rogers Media (“Rogers”) and is an associate in good standing with the CBSC.

The codes and standards administered by the CBSC include the Code. Based on your complaint, we are in agreement that the following clause is applicable to the impugned broadcast, and will be relevant for determining whether a breach of the Code occurred:

Clause 12 – Contests and Promotions

All on-air contests and promotions shall be conceived and conducted fairly and legitimately and particular care shall be taken to ensure that they are not misleading, potentially dangerous or likely to give rise to a public inconvenience or disturbance and that any prizes offered or promises made are what they are represented to be.

We have reviewed the logger and can confirm that DJ Amy Volume indeed stated that the emojis in the contestant’s text message caught her eye and were the reason she chose the particular contestant. Upon receiving your complaint, we investigated this issue and spoke with the Program Director of the station to review the process by which the contestant was chosen and whether the station followed the official contest rules for the Big Bag of Cash Contest.  (The complete rules may be found on the station’s website at: www://

Following our investigation, we can confirm that the rules of the contest were followed and that the contestant was chosen randomly. On March 21, 2016, listeners sent in text messages during the appropriate time period and then a list of all the eligible messages was generated.  The on-air host (DJ Amy Volume) then randomly selected a number which correlated to an eligible message/contestant who was then called.  This is our standard procedure for radio contests.  While the official rules were followed, the on-air host explained during this investigation that she stated that she chose the contestant based on the emojis within their text message only for entertainment value and in order to quickly create rapport with the contestant on air.  It was never her intention to mislead listeners or create the impression that the contest was not conducted fairly and legitimately or that the station had not followed its official rules for the contest.  Furthermore, DJ Amy Volume was only able to see the emojis in the text message after the selection was made.

Based on the above reasons, it is our position that there has been no breach of clause 12 of the Code as the selection of the contestant was conducted in accordance with the official rules of the contest and the on-air host simply made an honest mistake. Even so, we acknowledge that DJ Volume’s comments may have given the impression that the official rules were not followed which was not the case.  In order to avoid such confusion in the future, we have reviewed this incident with all of our radio staff responsible for contests to ensure the contest rules are always followed in fact and appearance.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention and to express your concerns about our station and integrity of our contests. We trust our response addresses your concerns and assures you that contest rules were indeed followed in this instance.  We value the opinion of our listeners and greatly appreciate the opportunity to respond to your complaint directly.

Additional Correspondence

The complainant submitted his Ruling Request on May 18:

I appreciate the fact that [the Vice-President, Regulatory, Media] is finally admitting that a DJ at the station made a mistake and DJ[s] at the station have apparently had [a] talking-to regarding how contests should operate in appearance.

However, she is asking me to accept all of her response as factual, when she has not shown proof that the emoji was seen after the text number was selected. Also, the contestant should have been disqualified by adding more than the word "cash", which is stated in the rules.  The contestant was clearly trying to get an edge to be picked and, fortunately for them, it worked with Amy Volume.

If one listens to the logger file you will hear Amy say "while putting an emoji in may work with me, it may not work with the other DJs at the station" Oops, this contradicts the statement that [the Vice-President, Regulatory, Media] claims that the emoji was only noticed after the number on the text was picked.  Therefore it was not "an honest mistake".

Another concerning issue involving Amy Volume occurred on January 15, 2016, when a contestant named [T. V.] won a trip to Jamaica. [T.] qualified by being one of the first 5 callers, when she heard the sound of a jet.  When she got through, she had a great story about how she won a trip right after her mother died in 2015.  She told Amy Volume that she just put her father in the hospital and wouldn't it be neat if she won another trip.  Amy Volume was very touched by her story and claimed on the air that [T.] really deserved to win and had her fingers crossed for her.

On Friday, January 15, 2016, someone associated with 105.3 KISS FM did a "random" draw. There would have been about 140 contestants in the draw, as there were multiple times to qualify each day for 4 days and the morning of January 15.  [T. V.] received a phone call telling her that she had won the trip.  KISS FM even did a live feed from Jamaica.  This would have been absolutely fantastic and even I would have been happy for [T.]; however, the video started with Carter and Sandra making a phone call to [T.] to tell her she had won.  Had the video started with a staff member from KISS FM reaching into a container and pulling out a name, I would not even be bringing this up.  KISS FM chose to start the live feed by calling [T.], instead of actually showing her name being pulled from a random draw.  By doing this, because of the "great story" about [T.] and the DJ Amy Volume pulling for [T.], it leaves the feel that something fishy could have happened to allow [T.] to win because it would make for great entertainment value.

If KISS FM wants to run legitimate contests in the future, I believe that they need to run them in a way where nobody can question them when something fishy happens.

They are the only station I know in Ottawa that waits to hear the contestant’s name or voice on the phone until they will tell the contestant that they are the right caller. Other stations in Ottawa do not do this.

Unfortunately, my voice is recognizable to some of the DJs on the station and many times over the years after I have gotten through on the phone, I am told I am not the right caller after they hear my voice.

If KISS FM would only announce what caller the contestant is before hearing their voice, then they could never be questioned about their integrity. Unfortunately KISS FM or their DJs are choosing to answer their phones during contests differently than other stations in Ottawa.  Only they can answer why.  Perhaps it is to "level the playing field".  However, their rules state as long as a contestant waits the appropriate waiting period after they win a contest, then they are eligible to win again.

I demand that 105.3 KISS FM start operating their contests the same way as the other stations in Ottawa do so.

That way their integrity would not come into question.

Hopefully all of this will be a learning experience for Amy Volume and [the Vice-President, Regulatory, Media] and everything related to contests and draws in the future will be run in a fair, equitable and legitimate manner, so nobody will have to question 105.3 KISS FM's integrity in the future.

Sorry for the long letter. It is my hope and prayer that it is well received and 105.3 KISS FM will understand that they are capable of running contests in a much better and believable manner.

KiSS Big Bag of Cash Full Contest Rules


(the “Official Rules”)

The105.3 KiSS FM Big Bag of Cash™ Contest presented by

 (the “Contest”)

  1. Entry Period & Contest Sponsors. 

(a)   The Contest is brought to you by the following entities (collectively or individually, the “Contest Sponsors”): Rogers Media Inc. (“Rogers”), operator of radio station 105.3 KiSS FM (CISS-FM) (the “Station”), and Rideau Valley Motors (“”).

(b)   The Contest entry period (the “Entry Period”) starts at 8:10 am on February 29, 2016 and continues until 5:10 pm on April 22, 2016.  All times are Eastern.

  1. How to PARTICIPATE. 

(a)   No purchase is necessary to enter this Contest.  Entry is subject to these Official Rules, including without limitation the conditions of entry set forth below.  There are two ways in which to participate in this Contest: (1) by responding to a cue to text; or (2) via the Station’s loyalty club.

(1)   Responding to a cue to text (Mondays through Thursdays during the Entry Period)

(A)   Listen to the Station at approximately 8:10AM, 1:10PM or 5:10PM on Mondays through Thursdays during the Entry Period (excluding March 25, 2016) for a cue to text.  Within two (2) minutes of any such cue to text (the “Entry Window”), send a message containing the keyword CASH to 31053.  Such message may be sent via a cellular telephone that is capable of two-way messaging.  Your carrier’s standard text message or short code message and data rates may apply.  By sending a message in accordance with the foregoing, you are immediately deemed to be a Contest entrant, and you consent to the Station putting you on-air in connection with this Contest. Where a message entry has been submitted via a cellular telephone, the entry will be deemed to have been submitted by the Authorized Mobile Account Holder of such cellular telephone.  “Authorized Mobile Account Holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to a cellular telephone number by a wireless carrier that is responsible for assigning cellular telephone numbers.

(B)   Following the close of each Entry Window, a Station representative will conduct a random draw at the Station offices in Ottawa, Ontario from among all eligible messages received during such Entry Window (the “Eligible Messages”).  One (1) Eligible Message will be selected at random at each such draw and the individual associated with each such selected Eligible Message will be deemed a potential Contest finalist (a “Potential Finalist”).  Except as otherwise set forth herein, messages that are not selected in respect of a particular draw will not carry forward to any other draw or for any other purpose.  Messages that are not received by the Station will be deemed ineligible.

(C)   A representative of the Station will contact a Potential Finalist determined in accordance with paragraph 2(a)(1)(B), above, shortly after the applicable draw using the information provided in the message that the Potential Finalist sent.  In the event the Station representative is unable to contact a Potential Finalist for any reason (including, without limitation, in the event the telephone line is dead when called by a Station representative, or no audible response is heard, or no one responds to the Station representative’s telephone call, or the telephone call goes to voicemail, or the Station representative receives a busy signal, or the Potential Finalist is not otherwise available as determined in the absolute discretion of the Station representative), then such Potential Finalist will be deemed to be disqualified; and, in Rogers’ sole discretion and time permitting, an alternate Potential Finalist may be randomly selected in accordance with paragraph 2(a)(1)(B), above, and so on and so forth, until a Potential Finalist is successfully contacted by a Station representative.

(2)   Via the Station’s loyalty club

(A)   Log into your Station loyalty club account during the Entry Period and follow instructions to redeem 1000 points for an opportunity to be selected as a Potential Finalist (each such eligible redemption, a “Loyalty Club Entry”).  Each Friday during the Entry Period, at approximately 8 am, at approximately 12 pm, and at approximately 5 pm, a representative of the Contest Sponsors will conduct a random draw at the Station offices in Ottawa, Ontario from among all Loyalty Club Entries received up to such draw date and time.  One (1) Loyalty Club Entry will be selected at random at each such draw, and the individual associated with each such selected Loyalty Club Entry will be deemed a Potential Finalist.  Non-selected Loyalty Club Entries will carry forward to other Friday draws for this Contest.

(B)   A representative of the Station will contact a Potential Finalist determined in accordance with paragraph 2(a)(2)(A), above, shortly after the applicable draw by telephone, using the information associated with the Potential Finalist’s Station loyalty club account.  In the event the Station representative is unable to contact a Potential Finalist for any reason (including, without limitation, in the event the telephone line is dead when called by a Station representative, or no audible response is heard, or no one responds to the Station representative’s telephone call, or the telephone call goes to voicemail, or the Station representative receives a busy signal, or the Potential Finalist is not otherwise available as determined in the absolute discretion of the Station representative), then such Potential Finalist will be deemed to be disqualified; and, in Rogers’ sole discretion and time permitting, an alternate Potential Finalist may be randomly selected in accordance with paragraph 2(a)(2)(A), above, and so on and so forth, until a Potential Finalist is successfully contacted by a Station representative.

(b)   Upon securing contact with a Potential Finalist in accordance with paragraph 2(a)(1)(C) or paragraph 2(a)(2)(B), a Potential Finalist will be deemed a finalist (“Finalist”) and invited to play the Game (defined below).  The Game may only be played on-air and failure to participate on-air will cause a Finalist to be immediately disqualified; and, in Rogers’ sole discretion and time permitting, an alternate Potential Finalist may be randomly selected in accordance with paragraph 2(a)(1) or paragraph 2(a)(2),as the case may be, and so on and so forth until a Finalist is confirmed.  In the event a Finalist is not confirmed, no Game play shall occur in respect of the applicable cue to text or Friday draw.

(c)   Each Finalist will have the opportunity to play the on-air Big Bag of Cash game (the “Game”) as follows.  The Station will invite the Finalist to open a virtual bag.  The first virtual bag to be opened will contain either: (1) a monetary sum; or (2) no monetary sum, and the sound of a buzzer will be heard.  Once the virtual bag has been opened, provided the virtual bag has not revealed the sound of a buzzer, the Finalist will be offered a choice: (i) to stop playing the Game and be eligible to win the “contents” of the opened virtual bag; or (ii) to forfeit the “contents” of the opened bag and to open another virtual bag, which other virtual bag will contain either: (1) a monetary sum; or (2) no monetary sum, and the sound of a buzzer will be heard.  The Game will continue in the foregoing fashion until the Finalist elects to stop playing, or until the Finalist hears the sound of the buzzer.  The sound of the buzzer will mean that the Finalist has lost the Game, and the Finalist shall immediately forfeit any claim that he or she has or might have had to any virtual bag “contents” (i.e. monetary sums) previously accumulated during the Game.  The number of virtual bags and the “contents” of each virtual bag will be pre-determined by Station management and will be kept secret from all participants, including without limitation the Finalist.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, at least once throughout the Entry Period, one (1) eligible Finalist will have the opportunity to open a virtual Game bag containing ten thousand dollars (CDN $10,000); provided, however, that such Finalist does not choose to stop playing the Game prior to such occurrence.  If there is a dispute as to whether a Finalist opened a bag or is entitled to any given prize, the decision, which will be final and not subject to appeal, will be made by Rogers in its sole discretion.

(d)   Notwithstanding paragraphs 2(a)(1)(A) through 2(a)(1)(C), above, in the unlikely event of any technical issues relating to the Station’s messaging platform (as determined by Rogers in its absolute discretion), a cue to text may be altered to a cue to call, such that the Station would prompt its listeners to call the Station, and the fifteenth (15th) eligible caller to reach the Station following any such cue to call prompt would be deemed a Finalist and invited to play the Game.  In the event of any such cue to call, the following additional terms and conditions apply:

If the telephone line is dead when answered by a Station representative, or no audible response is heard, or no one responds after five seconds, the Station will answer the next call in sequence and the next call in sequence will replace that call, deeming such next caller to be the selected eligible caller, and so on and so forth.  In the event a call is cut off before all personal data is collected, the Station will use reasonable efforts to make contact with the cut-off caller, provided enough personal information was gathered in order to correctly identify the cut-off caller.  In the event two or more calls come through on the same line, all such callers will be advised to hang up and try again and the next call in sequence will replace that call.  Collect telephone calls are accepted.

(e)   The Station’s online stream may be a delayed stream of the Station’s radio signal and may vary depending on your computer’s memory capacity and the speed of your Internet connection.  For that reason, it is recommended that listeners listen to the Station in “real time” by turning on an actual radio.  The Releasees (defined below) assume no responsibility for entrants not sending timely messages or making timely telephone calls (as applicable) to the Station as a result of any delays in the Internet stream.

(f)    There is a limit of one Game play per person.

(g)   Any attempt or suspected attempt to enter this Contest in a fashion not authorized by these Official Rules shall be deemed to be tampering and will void all of your entries.  Entries that contain false information and/or are late, lost, stolen, falsified, illegible, damaged, misdirected, mutilated, garbled or incomplete, altered or otherwise irregular or entries that have been submitted using robotic, automated, programmed, or through illicit means, or that do not conform with or satisfy any or all of these Official Rules, as determined in the Contest Sponsors’ absolute discretion, will be judged null and void and disqualified.  Only entries received by Rogers will be considered.  Proof of entry transmission shall not constitute proof of receipt.  Rogers reserves the right to refuse any entry in its absolute discretion.

(h)   Although this Contest may be communicated, promoted, or administered by means of any third party social media or social networking service or site (each, a “Third Party Service”), entrants acknowledge that: (i) this Contest is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, any Third Party Service; (ii) if entry into this Contest is by means of a Third Party Service, entrants must have a valid account with the applicable Third Party Service (and may be required to have a public (i.e. non-private) account in order to participate) and must comply with the applicable Third Party Service’s terms and policies; and (iii) any questions, comments or complaints regarding this Contest should be directed to the Contest Sponsors and not to any Third Party Service.  By participating in this Contest, you completely release any Third Party Service of all liability in relation to any injury, damage or loss that may occur, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from your participation.


By entering this Contest, you:

(a)   agree to be bound by these Official Rules, including without limitation the eligibility requirements set forth below;

(b)   agree to be bound by the decisions of the Contest Sponsors and their representatives, or the Contest judges (if any), which decisions are final, binding and conclusive (without appeal) on all matters relating to the Contest;

(c)   represent and warrant that your entry, including any material comprising your entry (e.g. name, user name, profile picture, etc., as applicable) and any material submitted with your entry (e.g. photograph, video, written submission, or other form of submission, etc., as applicable) (collectively, the “Entry Material”) (i) is original to you, and that you have all necessary rights in and to your Entry Material to enter the Contest, including, without limitation, the consent of any third parties whose personal information is included in your Entry Material, and (ii) does not contain, depict, include or involve content that is, or could reasonably be considered to be, inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, as determined by Rogers in its sole discretion;

(d)   understand and agree that: (i) your entry (including any Entry Material) may not be returned to you upon submission to the Contest and may be refused as entry to this Contest, as determined by Rogers in its sole discretion; and (ii) Rogers may, in its absolute discretion, moderate and/or remove and/or edit any Entry Material, including to blur out any trademarks or to remove any copyrighted content or otherwise unsuitable content (as determined by Rogers);

(e)   grant to Rogers a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sub-licensable and unlimited licence to use your entry, including the Entry Material, in any media and for any purpose related to the Contest (or any substantially similar contest), including without limitation the right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, alter, or create derivative works from, the entry and/or Entry Material, without notification, compensation or additional consideration to you; and

(f)    waive all claims of moral rights in your entry and/or Entry Material and in any use thereof in accordance with these Official Rules.

  1. Eligibility.

(a)   This Contest is open to Canadian residents who are 18 years of age or older as of the date of entry and who reside within the listening range of the Station.  For greater certainty, “within the listening range of the Station” means that you must be able to access the Station’s terrestrial broadcast without recourse to satellite radio, the Internet (including, without limitation, simulcasting), cable television, an application (including, without limitation, a web, digital or telephone application), or any other non-traditional listening device or tool.  Whether or not an individual resides within the listening range of the Station will be determined by Rogers in its sole discretion.”

(b)   The following individuals are not eligible to enter the Contest:

(i)     employees, officers, directors, agents, and representatives of: (1) the Contest Sponsors and their parent and affiliated companies, (2) the Contest prize supplier(s), (3) the Contest judges, if applicable, and (4) any and all other companies associated with the Contest;

(ii)    a household member of any of the individuals listed in (i), above, whether or not related;

(iii)   members of the immediate family (spouse, parent, child, sibling) of the individuals listed in (i), above, regardless of where they reside.

(c)   The Contest Sponsors shall have the right at any time to require proof of identity and/or eligibility to enter the Contest.  Failure to provide such proof may result in disqualification.  All personal and other information requested by and supplied for the purpose of the Contest must be truthful, complete, accurate and in no way misleading.  The Contest Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any entrant should such an entrant at any stage supply untruthful, incomplete, inaccurate or misleading personal details and/or information.


While playing the Game, each Finalist is eligible to win:

Monetary prizes will be awarded by cheque in the name of the winner.  It may take up to six (6) weeks for cheques to be issued.

  1. Odds OF WINNING.

Odds of a Finalist winning a monetary prize depend on the choices of the Finalist when he/she plays the Game.  Odds of a Finalist winning ten thousand dollars (CDN $10,000) will depend on Station management’s advance determination as to the occurrence during the Entry Period of the ten thousand dollar (CDN $10,000) virtual bag and on the choices of the applicable Finalist when he/she plays the Game.  All Finalists will be eligible to win a Secondary Prize.


The terms and conditions contained in this Section apply to any and all Contest prize(s) awarded pursuant to these Official Rules:

(a)   Prize must be accepted as awarded, without substitution, transfer, exchange or assignment, unless otherwise determined in the absolute discretion of the Contest Sponsors and/or prize supplier(s).  Prize may not be exactly as advertised.  Except as expressly warranted herein, prize is provided “as is” without further warranty of any kind.

(b)   Any unused portion of the prize, once awarded, will be deemed forfeited by the applicable winner, and no financial compensation will be made or required in respect of such unused portion.  Prize will not be replaced if lost, destroyed, mutilated or stolen.

(c)   The Contest Sponsors and/or the prize supplier(s) reserve the right, in their absolute discretion, to substitute a prize or a component of a prize with a prize or a component of a prize (as applicable) of equal or greater value, including, without limitation, a monetary award, if the prize or prize component cannot be awarded by the Contest Sponsors and/or the prize supplier(s) for any reason.

(d)   Once awarded, prize may not be resold or commercially traded in any manner, directly or indirectly, and Rogers reserves the right to ban or disqualify any entrant from any contest, including future contests, should it reasonably believe such entrant to have acted or attempted to act in contravention of the foregoing restriction. 


(a)   Within one (1) week of having played the Game, an eligible winner will be contacted by a Station representative, by means of the information provided by the Finalist at the time of playing the Game, to confirm such eligible winner’s personal information for prize redemption purposes.  Such eligible winner will be disqualified and required to forfeit any claim to the Contest prize if: (i) he or she cannot be reached within three (3) business days following the first attempt of contact; or (ii) he or she cannot confirm complete personal information with the Station representative, as required by the Station for prize redemption purposes, within five (5) business days of having been reached by such Station representative; except, in each case, as may otherwise be determined by the Station in its absolute discretion.

(b)   To be declared a winner of either a Secondary Prize or a monetary prize, an eligible winner must: (i) play the Game as noted above; (ii) correctly answer without assistance of any kind, whether mechanical or otherwise, a time-limited, mathematical skill-testing question; (iii) be in full compliance with these Official Rules; and (iv) in the discretion of the Contest Sponsors, sign and return a release of liability and consent to publicity form (the “Release Form”) within the time period specified in the Release Form, and any other documentation as may reasonably be required by the Contest Sponsors in their absolute discretion

(c)   An eligible winner may be required to provide proof of identification to the Contest Sponsors and/or prize supplier(s), as applicable, when claiming a prize or otherwise in connection with this Contest to facilitate the accurate identification of a Contest winner.  Once confirmation of a Contest winner is complete in accordance with the terms of these Official Rules, the Contest Sponsors and/or any prize suppliers will promptly coordinate prize distribution.  Except as otherwise determined in the absolute discretion of the Contest Sponsors and/or prize supplier(s), as applicable, upon notification, a winner must personally take delivery of his/her prize from the office or location of the Contest Sponsors and/or prize supplier(s) (as selected by the Contest Sponsors in their reasonable discretion) within thirty (30) days of being notified that such prize is available or within such other time period as may reasonably be advised by the Contest Sponsors. If a winner fails to comply with the requirements set forth in these Official Rules, he/she will be deemed to have forfeited his/her prize.

(d)   In the event any eligible winner declines a prize for any reason, and/or does not meet the requirements set forth in these Official Rules, as determined by the Contest Sponsors in their absolute discretion, he/she will be disqualified, the prize will be forfeited and, in the Contest Sponsors’ discretion and time permitting, the Contest Sponsors may select another individual to be deemed a Finalist or may elect to cancel the Contest prize.

  1. release of liability, indemnity.

By entering this Contest, you: (a) agree to remise, release and forever discharge the Contest Sponsors, their respective parent and affiliated companies, any and all other companies associated with the Contest (including prize suppliers and suppliers of materials or services related to the Contest), and all of their respective employees, directors, officers, shareholders, agents, representatives, successors and assigns (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all actions, causes of action, suits, debts, dues, accounts, claims, damages or liability for any loss, harm, damages, costs or expenses, including,